Thursday, October 28, 2010

Going Green

Going Green seems to be the most popular way to provide energy and save the planet at the same time.  The present administration has a recovery package which includes commitments for an energy efficient future.  Many leading mobile operators and manufactures are committing an industry standard for a universal charger for all new mobile phones.  The U.S. Cabinet is planning a multibillion dollar package to meet Obama’s goal of doubling renewable energy production in the following three years according to the Washington Post.  In Ohio, the legislature has passed a bill requiring over 12% of Ohio’s energy to be from renewable sources such as solar and wind.  Neighborhood America announced that early results reveal over 50% of voters identify that Green initiatives are a priority concern.
With this legislation taking place in our country I feel we will be more assertive to pass the laws and mandates which will require us to take a more active role in going green in this country and possibly the world.  Many things that are good take time to build momentum and time to allow everyone to see and experience the benefits of change.  Going green will not only save the planet but it can also save our personal pocketbooks and wallets along the way.  I am afraid if we do not pull together and go green together as nation and as a people we will suffer in the future more than we realize.  I am hopeful with the legislation in progress we will see green all around us.  Even if seeing green has to begin in our wallets which are really close to home.  I am willing to start at home as well and in the voting booth.


  1. In this blog, I’m going to critique Ms. Samantha Johnson’s view about going green. On her blog she indicated that our current administration has a recovery package which promises us an energy efficient future. In her editorial she stated that Washington Post have an article saying that, the “United States cabinet is thinking about a multibillion package to meet Obama’s goal of doubling renewable energy production in the following three years.” According to her article Ohio, officials have passed a bill claiming that over 12% of its energy will be conducted from solar and wind energy. Moreover, the early results of voting showed that 50% of the voters agree about going green.
    First of all I think Ms. Johnson did fantastic job explaining her view and I totally agree with her view, because going green can save our planet from unnecessary pollution, adversely affects the ozone layers which can result in medical problems. As a Texas resident it is also our responsibility that we do each and everything to make less pollution or find other alternatives. In addition to that we all need to recycle plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and papers. As a nation we need to overcome this problem and as an individual we all need to buy one of those universal chargers for our mobiles as Ms. Johnson said in her editorial because electricity does cause global warming which is not good for our planet. By doing these little things we can secure our future generations health.

  2. My blog response is dealing with my classmate, Samantha Johnson on her blog post entitled "Going Green" . I must first point out that her statement has been very well written, and on a good subject at that, concerning the topic of "Going Green" which has seem to be the new catchphrase for quite sometime. In her blog she mentions that the US Cabinet is actually planning a multi million dollar package that will go towards finding re newable resources. The state of Ohio has already started to jump on this bandwagon by requiring over 12% of thier energy from solar or from wind ( I give two "green" thumbs up for this).

    With that being mentioned, I am fully agreeing with Samantha on this one, Going Green should be pushed further into our country. Even have other states follow something similar to what Ohio is already doing. I'm not sure how anyone can disagree about being green for our mother earth, as it can help save our planet and make it better. Its actually being done as we speak, there are alot of people spreading the word about making our planet a better place, using re newable resources for something else. Alot of people are already recycling which is a big help in eliminating waste and polution from the air that we breathe. We save trees that allow us to have air in the first place. Not only recycling is helping us, but also by carpooling we eliminate gas from the air as well, thus preventing further polution in our ecosystem. There are even now in the makes (or already are) cars that we can simply plug into an outlet and have it recharge, reducing oil consumption that may one day be completly gone. Where would we go from there? rechargable cars of course. This is the new future that could one day make a very noticable impact on our ecosystem.

    Going from that, there is a program called Ecomagination that has actually teamed up with "celebrities" on Youtube, to spread the word about being eco friendly to our world. By doing so viewers, or subscribers actually suggested ideas to them to do to help. From there the Youtubers picked thier favorite ones, or by the viewers popular vote, and went out to film thier assignment. For an example, iJustine, who is one of the well known Youtubers who participated with Ecomagination, went with carpooling. Though the kind of carpooling you wouldn't expect ( click here ) I must say its pretty inventive, and of course humorous. With Ecomagination branching out to social media sites, maybe more people will participate and " Get Your Green On".

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  6. In response to Samantha Johnson’s post “Going Green”, I would like to add that we as a society are not taking initiatives to gather the crowd and focus on resolving this issue as efficiently as it can and must be done. If further neglected and or procrastinated the consequences that our future generation face will be devastating.

    Before any issue possibly be considered imperative to respond to in a society, most of the time the question is what benefit one may receive for taking initiatives to act on resolution. As much as I’m in agreement of reducing our carbon footprints and saving energy, I have to disagree that we as society have even taken significant initiatives to draw more attention and /or show any short-term and long-term incentives to enforce “Go Green” acts. For instance, if plastic bags at a grocery store are still available at no cost what incentives do we get purchasing a re-usable cloth bag? To the date I still see more media advertising gas gushing trucks than the Hybrids or rechargeable battery operated cars. Not to mention that the cost to acquire a hybrid vehicle is inconveniently high priced than some of the new cars one can purchase for under $10K.

    If giving away some coupon incentives to use cloth-bags at a grocery store or even purchasing hybrid or electric cars becomes affordable, our society will likely to be more engaged in “Go Green” acts and fostering eco-friendly system. Another way to strategically save trees is by actually using the electronic medium to process transactions in businesses and households. Utilize the Internet technology to send or receive receipts via email or to sign legal documents over secured encrypted databases than printing papers use electricity, trees, and improperly discarding toners in a land field.

    Personally, I believe that there are far more complex issues that our society have faced and overcome before. A simple but yet very important issue such as reducing carbon footprints and changing our attitudes toward using renewable energy resources will be better pay off economically and environmentally. As much as we all talk about going green it is incumbent upon us to really act on it TODAY! It is our sole responsibility to adapt the eco-friendly environment today and get down to the earth!
