Thursday, October 28, 2010

Going Green

Going Green seems to be the most popular way to provide energy and save the planet at the same time.  The present administration has a recovery package which includes commitments for an energy efficient future.  Many leading mobile operators and manufactures are committing an industry standard for a universal charger for all new mobile phones.  The U.S. Cabinet is planning a multibillion dollar package to meet Obama’s goal of doubling renewable energy production in the following three years according to the Washington Post.  In Ohio, the legislature has passed a bill requiring over 12% of Ohio’s energy to be from renewable sources such as solar and wind.  Neighborhood America announced that early results reveal over 50% of voters identify that Green initiatives are a priority concern.
With this legislation taking place in our country I feel we will be more assertive to pass the laws and mandates which will require us to take a more active role in going green in this country and possibly the world.  Many things that are good take time to build momentum and time to allow everyone to see and experience the benefits of change.  Going green will not only save the planet but it can also save our personal pocketbooks and wallets along the way.  I am afraid if we do not pull together and go green together as nation and as a people we will suffer in the future more than we realize.  I am hopeful with the legislation in progress we will see green all around us.  Even if seeing green has to begin in our wallets which are really close to home.  I am willing to start at home as well and in the voting booth.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Why They Hate Us

Glenn Greenwald is a lawyer, columnist, author, and blogger.  He started his blog, Unclaimed Territory, in 2005 and since then he has written two New York Times Bestsellers, How should a Patriot Act and A Tragic Legacy, and has become a contributing columnist and blogger for Salon.

On October 12, 2010 Glenn posted a blog, They hate us for our occupations, about suicide terrorism and what we can do to make it stop.  A study done in 2004 told us that terrorism is caused by America's direct intervention in the Muslim world. A  recent study proves that not only is that true but it especially applies to the armed forces occupying Iraq and Afghanistan.

Glenn's claim is that we need to remove our armed forces from foreign soil.  It is just aggravating them more to have us over there and interfering in their lives.  He uses a very sarcastic approach to say that obviously we are just making them more mad and the suicide terrorism hasn't stopped, so why don't we change something.  He pulls excerpts from an article by Laura Rozen talking about the recent research done by Robert Pape, a political science professor at the University of Chicago.  Pape's research shows a six year study of suicide terrorist attacks around the world and it concludes that foreign military presence triggers suicide bombings,  
"We have lots of evidence now that when you put the foreign military presence in, it triggers suicide terrorism campaigns, ... and that when the foreign forces leave, it takes away almost 100% of the terrorist campaign," Pape said in an interview last week on his findings.

Glenn's audience is people who would classify themselves as liberal and want military troops to come home.  He does a great job of using sources to validate his opinion that the military occupation of foreign country is hindering not helping.